Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Obama's elevator speach

David Brooks published a column today (September 3rd) in the New York Times entitled "The Elevator Speech." I like that phrase. I take it to be a speach one could give after getting on an elevator and finish before the doors open again. It seems to me Obama's elevator speach would make three points:

- America could elect a Republican President and Congress, which would solve the problem of divided government, but would put those who caused the current serious recession, and their policies, back in charge (put the fox in charge of the hen house). 

- America could re-elect a Democratic President  and return a Republican Congress (status quo) which would continue the deadlock of divided government.

- America could re-elect a Democratic President (Obama) and give him a Democratic Congress with which to work, allowing them to do something about the economy. 

The Republicans, after the last election, stated their top priority is to defeat Obama, not repair the economy mind you but to defeat the President. It seems they meant whatever it takes including bringing down the country.

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